Our Name...

The first part of our name, Jailhouse, is where we go. That would be easy to understand. You might think, “Rock” is because of the famous Elvis song, Jailhouse Rock, and the most famous prison of all, Alcatraz, nicknamed “The Rock.” Not so. Our “Rock” is the “Spiritual Rock,” from 1 Corinthians 10:4 . . . For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was

Who We Are...

Jailhouse Rock Ministries is a 501 (c)3 non-profit charitable organization in good standing with the State of Missouri, established in Stockton, Missouri in 1993. We belong to the Coalition of Prison Evangelists of Euless, Texas. The Stockton office operates with an all-volunteer staff. The board of directors provides the funds to pay the rent for the office and some of the office-related expenses, so donations may be used to purchase items for inmates.

What We Do...

We provide Bibles; Correspondence Bible Studies; Christian books and literature; visits and correspondence to inmates in all county jails, state prisons, and the Federal Medical Center, in Missouri and to a few jails in other states. We offer inmate family counseling by appointment. All of our services are free of charge. Two of our volunteers are active in ministering to inmates incarcerated at our local Cedar County detention center.

How We Do It...

We operate on donations and voluntary contributions only. We do not solicit funds or actively fundraise. We do, however, provide an opportunity, to those who want to help, by making monthly or one-time contributions, by providing information about our organization and asking for prayer. Our office is run, correspondence answered, the mail sent out, and our Bible and book distribution is accomplished
with an all-volunteer staff!

What We Believe...

We believe that God sent his son, Jesus, to undo the works of Satan (1 John 3:8) and set captives free (in or out of jail) (Luke 3:19). Reaching out to inmates and providing them with God’s word, is partnering with Jesus to help make this happen.

Our Mission...

Our mission is to put a Bible and Bible literature into the hands of every inmate in the State of Missouri and elsewhere as the Spirit of God wills. Our mission is to fulfill Matthew 25:36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

Our Vision...

Our vision is to see the word of God transform the lives of the incarcerated and set them free from the addictions and behaviors that contributed to their incarceration. The word of God does not return void but completes the purpose for which it is sent. (Isaiah 55:11: So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in
the thing for which I sent it.)
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